No Mr. Foley

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Opinion , Thoughts From News

Hiding bad behavior and then pushing the blame when caught for it seems too common these days. Senator Foley didn’t pursue a young page because he was molested as a child (as he claims). He should be accountable for his actions, period. And the Rev. Anthony Mercieca, who stated that he had a friendship with the then 12 year old Foley; going skinny dipping and giving the young boy massages when unclothed, was also inappropriate. The reverand said that “Once maybe I touched him. It’s not something you call, I […]

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Not Now, Not Ever

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Opinion , Thoughts From News

Stephen Laffey, the mayor of Cranston Rhode Island, who is now a candidate for the Republican nomination for a U.S. Senate seat in Rhode Island, recently stated that he regretted writing homophobic columns for his college newspaper some 20 years ago. He goes on to say that he is sorry he had written the “sophomoric political satire” and that the columns didn’t reflect his views “… not now, nor then, or ever.” That is almost as stupid as the famous “yes, but I didn’t inhale” comment we heard from our […]

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Fear Serving Fear

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Opinion , Thoughts From News

“Ages of experience have taught us that the commitment of a husband and wife to love and to serve one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society,” president Bush said in his weekly radio address. “Government,” he went on “by recognizing and protecting marriage, serves the interests of all.” Is it just me that sees the absurdity of this statement? How could denying equality to one minority under the law serve the interests of all? What president Bush meant it seems is that denying the right […]

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Blinders for Two

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Opinion , Thoughts From News

Becasue First Lady Laura Bush doesn’t believe the poll numbers doesn’t mean that they’re not true. But it just shows that the blinders syndrom isn’t something her husband alone suffers from.

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Political Change?

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Opinion , Thoughts From News

As the world listened to the President’s State of The Union, and will now spend days more trying to analyze his words, manner of tone and vision for the furture, I can’t help but wonder, “Do politicians really change?” Especially this politician? For good or bad the President has done one thing consistant since he arrived in Washington: stood his ground. The State of the Union is words, not actions, and what a President says is meaningless. It is what he does that counts. Our President’s an idealog; a guy […]

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