The Post Covid19 Normal

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Blog

In an interview with political psychologist Dr. Bart Rossi Ph.D. we talked about what America will be facing. We avoided the debate of who did what, who’s to blame and focused on what Americans are facing. Does reopening the country’s economy the end of Covid19? He says no, it’s not. According to Dr. Rossi, psychology suggests that the country will go through post-traumatic stress syndrome. And this will impact how we think and act going forward. You can see the entire interview here.

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Upcoming NYC Events 2012 and How to Optimize Them

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Business , Events , Insights

Finding upcoming NYC events and knowing how to optimize them is key. As an entrepreneur you not only want to find effective events to attend, but also have a plan on how to best attend them — to get the most out of the time and money you invest into them. Below is a list of cost-effective upcoming events, and some ideas on how best to prepare and navigate at an event.

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Small Business Expo 2012

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Business , Reviews

Small Business Expo was different sort of event.I knew it even before I entered while crossing 7th Ave walking towards the entrance.  It was located in the Penn Plaza Pavillion [connected to the Pennsylvania Hotel] across from Madison Square Garden in New York City.As I approached I couldn’t help notice — to the left of the entrance — a guy dressed in khakis, a button-down shirt and tie, happily dancing in a full display window that faced the street.  There were two windows actually, both framed with the Small Business […]

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Business Events in NYC for May

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Business , Events

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, there may be times that you might feel as thought the resources you need are difficult to find, or worse, not available.  This can leave leave you feeling as though you’re going it alone. However, there are several events chock-full of resources that I highly recommend, and I’ve listed them below. If you can’t attend, I will be there and posting a report on them in early to mid May.

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