What To Know When Buying a Website

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Blog , Business

Buying a website is like buying any other business. you have to asses the cost to purchase it against its current value, and potential future value.  What to know about buying a website can be a complicated valuation, so we provide an east-to-follow infographic to help.

Cost and value are certainly the more important aspects you have to look at if you plan to buy a website. Firstly, do you have the amount they are asking for? Second, can you finance the purchase and use other people’s money? Thirdly, but certaintly just as important, what is the current valuation and future potential evaluation.   If the price is unbelievably high, it might not be worth investing in. No matter how popular the site is, you’ll still have to maintain and promote it after the purchase. And there is also no assurance that the site will remain as popular as it is now after the sale.

On the other hand, if the site is too cheap, that is an alert that there might be something wrong with it. Perhaps the publisher just lost crucial staff that you expected would stay on after the purchase. Staff matters; editors, writers, influencers, as well as those handling marketing and promotion. Do you homework to see if any of this applies.

Also, have you done the research to make sure that you’re buying a site that matches your target group?

Check to be sure that the site doesn’t have a negative reputation now, or in the past. If it does then you need to factor in the cost to clean up the image and rebuild the brand. Do not underestimate the time and resources this can require.

What To Know When Buying a Website

If you have found a website that matches your personal expectations, but it has some negative spects, either in reputation or staff changes, perhaps use that as leverage to push down the price.

But don’t beat the owner up too much, because if you do buy it then establishing a good rapport with the previous owner is also essential for a smooth transition.

And develop a marketing plan before the purchase. Research the cost and whether or not consulting and marketing experts believe that you can attain your objectives.


Check out the infographic below for a step by step approach to buying the right website for you.

10 Things You Absolutely Need To Know About Buying A Website


About Brie Austin

Co-author of I'd Do It Again, he is a columnist/reporter for a variety of magazines in the areas of music, lifestyle, nightlife, travel and business. He also writes business documents and creates copy for websites.

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