Which E-Commerce Platform Is The Best Choice For Your Online Store

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Blog

When it comes to e-commerce platforms for your online store, you have the option of hosted or self hosted. Within those two types there are many to choose from, some better than others. Popularity is a good starting indicator; if it’s popular it’s because people like the platform, perhaps because it is functional, cost-effective and /or easy to us, or all.

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What To Know When Buying a Website

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Blog , Business

Buying a website is like buying any other business. you have to asses the cost to purchase it against its current value, and potential future value.  What to know about buying a website can be a complicated valuation, so we provide an east-to-follow infographic to help.

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How to launch a crowdfunding project

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Blog

There is a huge trend right now of people attempting to crowdfund their big idea. To do that many are spending money hiring promoters. Although promotion is certainly a good idea, and should be part of an overall promotion strategy, there are things you can do before spending that money to see if the idea is attractive to potential investors/ sponsors.  You’re just starting a long process, so there is no sense splurging all your money on advertising without testing the waters, first. So here is how to launch a crowdfunding […]

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9 Ways To Validate Your Startup Ideas

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Blog , Business

Have you experienced an ‘Aha’ moment and had a bright idea that you feel will be a profitable business for you? You might feel extremely excited and want to immediately act on that idea. While there are instances in which the hasty decision of investing in the business right away succeeded, most of the time, they led to failure. Here are 9 ways to validate your startup ideas.

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Venus Demars, 10 Bones and Independent Music Labels

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Interviews , Music

She has been an indie artist running her own independent music label since the 1980s. I first saw her on stage at Don Hill’s. My friend Dahlia insisted we go see her and her band All The Pretty Horses: “You’ll really dig’ em.”  I did. And her stage show blew me a way. No wonder Siren Magazine called them “the most visually arresting band you’ll ever see.”  The sound, then, was part The Cars, with a dash of Bowie, spiced up with punk and all mixed into a concoction of dark […]

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