Karen DeSoto Comments on IDR Impacting NJ policy
The institute for Dispute Resolution scores first NJ policy success with the passage of a bill known as ‘S602’ which is now the The New Jersey International Arbitration, Mediation, and Conciliation Act. Karen DeSoto momments on IDR impacting NJ policy.
In a previous interview I had conducted with Karen DeSoto, [co-founder and co-director of the institute for Dispute Resolution] she had told me that Bill S602 had strong bipartisan support, from both Senators Sandra Cunningham and Tom Kean Jr.
According to a recent article in New Jersey Business magazine the Bill was signed into law by Governor Chris Christie the week of February 10, 2017 as The New Jersey International Arbitration, Mediation, and Conciliation Act.
The intent of the law according to Karen DeSoto is to position New Jersey as a hub for business meditations from around the world, which in turn will help increase global trade for the state.
“There was previously no mechanisms in place for businesses to settle disputes in New Jersey outside of full legal actions.This will greatly enhance the use of mediation as a dispute resolution tool and, New Jersey is now one of only ten states that have passed such legislation. I’m very proud that the Institute was able to contribute to this legislation in a positive way.”
The IDR specifically aims to promote legislative based initiatives to promote New Jersey as a seat for international dispute resolution, and Foster relationships with stakeholders in government, NGOs and international organizations to promote Center goals in applied research and fieldwork studies.”
Designated nonprofit organizations in New Jersey will now be able to better accomplish international mediation, arbitration, as well as conciliation, according to the NJB article, “through alternative centers that facilitate the resolution of international business and trade disputes.”
The Institute for Dispute Resolution [at the NJCU School of Business] is focused on negotiation and mediation both domestically and internationally, and encouraging the practice to both businesses and law students. It also develops networking opportunities for students with experts and professionals in the field, so that they can exchange ideas and learn the best practices and techniques of mediation and negotiations.
NOTE: the IDR and selected students were recently in Paris at another event, and we’ll bring a follow on that soon.
For more about Karen DeSoto and the Institute for Dispute Resolution
For all links about Karen DeSoto
Tags: Governor Chris ChristieKaren DesotoNew Jersey City University
[…] The Applied Research Division of the Institute for Dispute Resolution [at the NJCU School of Business] diligently pushed for and contributed to a New Jersey legislative bill to accommodate international business disputes. The bill encourages a framework that would promote international mediation in New Jersey. On February those efforts paid off as the governor of New Jersey signed into law bill ‘S602” as the New Jersey International Arbitration, … […]