Children Killing Children
What does it say about a society when children kill? When a thirteen year old child is capable of sexually abusing another child, and then murdering yet another? Moreover, both victims were the perpetrators younger brothers. Florida was rocked when Christian, an abused child, beat his 2-year brother to death; and also sexually abused his 5-year old brother. I spoke with …
Read moreFreedom of Speech Vs Reckless Stupidity – Innocence of Muslims
Freedom of Speech Vs Reckless Stupidity comes into view with the airing of Innocence of Muslims. While freedom of speech is a great thing that has brought truth from the shadows, inspired courage, toppled oppressive governments, and enlightened the mind, soul and spirit, it is also a two-edged sword that can confuse, insult, enrage and divide.
Read moreMolly Brown House: A Hidden Treasure In Denver
You may not know the name Margaret Brown, but how about the Unsinkable Molly Brown? Yes, I thought so. Nonetheless, there is so much you can learn at the Molly Brown House Museum in Denver, Colorado that it might just surprise you.
Read moreWild Animal Sanctuary: A Mile Into The Wild and Wildlife Rescue
Wild Animal Sanctuary rescues Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My! To be more accurate, 43 African Lions, 14 Mountain Lions, 70 Tigers, 87 Bears, 28 Wolves, as well as many other species; all of them carnivorous — with the exception of a single porcupine and a camel: a total of 290 animals, are all part of an animal rescue.
Read moreVenus Demars, 10 Bones and Independent Music Labels
She has been an indie artist running her own independent music label since the 1980s. I first saw her on stage at Don Hill’s. My friend Dahlia insisted we go see her and her band All The Pretty Horses: “You’ll really dig’ em.” I did. And her stage show blew me a way. No wonder Siren Magazine called them “the most visually arresting band you’ll ever see.” The sound, then, was part The Cars, with a dash of Bowie, spiced up with punk and all mixed into a concoction of dark […]
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