Angel Funding NYC Promising for Early Stage Companies
Angel funding NYC might be the new catch-phrase. Venture capital in thevery earliest stages has seen a steep increase over the past two years. Dow Jones VentureSource measured a 52% increase in venture-capital seed investments in consumer Internet companies nationally in 2011 compared with 2010. A report last month by research firm CB Insights found that quarterly seed-stage funding for Internet companies has jumped dramatically over the past 10 quarters. In the first quarter of 2010, there were 20 seed deals; in the second quarter of 2012, there were 111, […]
Read moreUpcoming NYC Events 2012 and How to Optimize Them
Finding upcoming NYC events and knowing how to optimize them is key. As an entrepreneur you not only want to find effective events to attend, but also have a plan on how to best attend them — to get the most out of the time and money you invest into them. Below is a list of cost-effective upcoming events, and some ideas on how best to prepare and navigate at an event.
Read moreVagabond in Bangalore India: Culture Shocks
The last thing I wanted to encounter in a foreign country was Americanized chains. However, during my couple of days withstanding Gandhi’s revenge, I’m quite glad they were here.
Read moreBusiness Entrepreneurship Is a Roller Coaster
Running a business is like riding on a roller coaster. Business Entrepreneurship is creativity and management in un-ending motion. And although it is fun and exciting, there will be times when you’ll be scared and feel powerless. During the bad times there isn’t much you can do, other than to keep on pushing forward. So in that spirit, here are 101 quotes that will motivate you to push forward.
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