Off to India
Yesterday I started taking the malaria pills, which I’ll now have to take everyday that I am in India, and continue for seven days after I leave. The doctor said they may “make you feel edgy,” but I haven’t experienced that. With my bag packed early Thursday morning, it was the first time that I had a minute, unhurried, to sit and think: I’d been running all week, tying up lose ends, knowing I would be away (in India and Asia) for perhaps a year or more. Billy asked me […]
Read moreVisa for India
Bureaucracy is what it is, but the people at the Indian Visa office were very easy to deal with even if the process caused a glitch for me. Having flown so often to South America, plus a trip to Mexico without needing a visa, I hadn’t thought about one for India until Tuesday afternoon — my flight was Thursday morning.
Read moreThe Amazing Spider-Man
The Amazing Spider-Man we see a reboot of the Marvel Comics Spider-Man franchise, where the director Marc Webb strives for a more serious and edgy look to distinguish it from its predecessor [that starred Toby McGuire]. To that end, other than Spider-Man and his nemesis (The Lizard), there are no other cartoonish characters in this version — like the former film’s Editor In Chief of the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jamison, for example.
Read moreI hate shots!
With only a week or so before I leave for India, some of the prep work involves getting shots. I’m not a fan of shots—who is? But it had to be done.
Read moreThe Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is the most good-feel uplifting film that I’ve seen in recent memory. The script was elegantly simple, and also profound in it’s raw truths about growing older; the realization that life evolves, and that you’re never too old to be surprised.
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