9 Ways To Validate Your Startup Ideas
Have you experienced an ‘Aha’ moment and had a bright idea that you feel will be a profitable business for you? You might feel extremely excited and want to immediately act on that idea. While there are instances in which the hasty decision of investing in the business right away succeeded, most of the time, they led to failure. Here are 9 ways to validate your startup ideas.
Read moreAngel Funding NYC Promising for Early Stage Companies
Angel funding NYC might be the new catch-phrase. Venture capital in thevery earliest stages has seen a steep increase over the past two years. Dow Jones VentureSource measured a 52% increase in venture-capital seed investments in consumer Internet companies nationally in 2011 compared with 2010. A report last month by research firm CB Insights found that quarterly seed-stage funding for Internet companies has jumped dramatically over the past 10 quarters. In the first quarter of 2010, there were 20 seed deals; in the second quarter of 2012, there were 111, […]
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