Routinely Inspired
Routinely Inspired is a way of life for me. But do routines suck the life out of our creativity and limit our sphere of experience, or do they provide a stable balance to it?
Read moreCafayate Argentina
Cafayate Argentina was exactly what I was looking for. From the moment we stepped off the bus into the remote village in the northwest province of Salta Argentina, the tranquility was undeniable. Which doesn’t mean is was necessarily quiet: we were barraged by people handing out flyers for local hotels and excursions.
Read moreBackpacking in Salta and Jujuy Argentina
Backpacking in Salta and Jujuy Argentina was Kena’s idea. She was a young, beautiful, adventurous Colombian that I had met when I first moved to Business Aires in April 2004. It was now August and she and I became roommates; sharing a turn of the century three bedroom apartment in the old neighborhood of Monserrat. When she said “let’s go for a travel,” we decided on the northwest of the country — Salta, Jujuy and Cafayate. I said I would check the airfares. “Noooo, we go by omnibus!” she snapped.
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Many years ago, Johnny Carson, being the recipient of a Sally Fields practical joke, looked at her and said, “You really aren’t normal are you?” To which she playfully responded, “Well Johnny, I guess normal is as normal does!” It was a cute punch line and yet beneath the surface made a larger statement. What is normal anyway? How many times have you looked in the mirror and exclaimed, “What’s wrong with me, why can’t I just be normal?” The answer might be that there is nothing wrong with you […]
Read moreTruth, Fact or Opinion?
As air feeds an inferno, so too does innuendo breed a feeding frenzy of speculation. And, as we would gaze upon a fire, we can’t help but be drawn to the sensationalism of good gossip. Facts? Who needs facts when you have a feeding frenzy? The dangerous thing about speculation however, is that like the fire it too spreads quickly and sometimes out of control. The saga takes on a life of its own and opinions are influenced solely by passion; but in the absence of truth. Sometimes it can […]
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