Religion and Science
Recently arriving in Bangalore India for a six-month stay, I’ve enjoyed the daily reading of The Speaking Tree column; prompting me to return to my own thoughts on religion and being. Coming from a mixed-religion household, my mother was a Protestant, (of English, Scottish, and Cherokee heritage), and my father was a Jew (of an Irish Catholic father, and a Russian Jewish mother), I’m not quite sure if that makes me — religiously speaking — more confused, or less. The Swami Kryanada previously (Aug 31) talked about science and religion: […]
Read moreAnger Management
Have you ever gotten so angry that you’ve lashed out, either physically or verbally? When do you know that you’ve crossed the line and require anger management techniques, or outside help?
Read moreThe Rapid Rise of Technology and The Public Forum
Some claim that the rapid rise of technology inhibits human interaction. Others claim that it contributes to the public sphere and its broadcasting. What do you think? Can both sides be correct?
Read moreHmm, I thought I Was Already Independent
“New ideas and an independent or pioneering mental orientation is the mode or expression. Teaching, learning, communication and social contacts have a way of outlining new directions in your life now. Challenging authority and striving for success are on your agenda.” I noticed this horoscope today in the Bangalore Times I spotted the horoscope — yeah, it’s just above the comic strips. Here is why I mention it.
Read moreSpiritual Journey: Why don’t you believe in God?
Are you on a spiritual journey? Devote Christians always ask me “Why don’t you believe in God?” Then I ask them to “Define God.” Afterward, I assure them that I do, in fact, believe in God. But, that I interpret God differently than they do.
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