Tips to Small Business Financing

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Business

Access to financing and loan facilities is critical to the ongoing success of any growing business. Whether you need to hire new staff, expanding to a new territory or buying new raw materials, advance funding will be likely required. Here are some tips to small business financing.

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What you need to know about Crowdfunding

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Business

Crowdfunding is getting more popular these days. It is a process in which you let other people know about your business idea and allow them to fund it if they are interested in it. The process is not easy, though. You need to come up with something really interesting in order to gain attention.

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9 Ways To Validate Your Startup Ideas

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Blog , Business

Have you experienced an ‘Aha’ moment and had a bright idea that you feel will be a profitable business for you? You might feel extremely excited and want to immediately act on that idea. While there are instances in which the hasty decision of investing in the business right away succeeded, most of the time, they led to failure. Here are 9 ways to validate your startup ideas.

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Bad Brokers And Good Investments

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Blog , Business , Insights

When you invest your money into the securities market, there are bad brokers and good investments. Like anything else you have to do your homework to sort them out. The securities industry for a long time has been a swamp infested with leeches just looking for fresh meat. When they find an inexperienced investor, they tend to use high-pressure sales tactics, and abundant turnover of your holdings to spike their commissions.  But that doesn’t mean that a wise investor can’t navigate around them. 

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Stock Loss Recovery Co. Cold Spring Advisory and Louis Ottimo Uncovered

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Business , Opinion , Reviews

When you look into investment recovery co. Cold Spring Advisory and Louis Ottimo uncovered it would appear that they are preying on unsuspecting investors. Maybe they are, maybe they arn’t. Investment recovery is also referred to as stock loss recovery, and Cold Spring Advisory LLC. claims to help — all you need do is pay them an upfront fee of thousands of Dollars.

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