Gays in the Priesthood
I read the other day that the pope has decided that men with a tendency towards homosexuality will not be allowed to be admitted as priests. How do you define a “a tendency towards homosexuality” anyway. It just seems to me that the church should spend more time worrying about child abusers and less time about gays. And while we’re on the topic of religion, the US government put out a report condeming various coutnries around the glober for suppressing religious freedom. You know I love being an American, but […]
Read moreEmery; The Question
The influences of Queen and the rage of punk are undeniable, yet Emery has emerged with a distinctive raw, edgy footprint of its own. The 12-song CD, The Question, is the follow-up to the critically acclaimed debut The Weak’s End, and is masterfully produced by Aaron Sprinkle (mixed by Randy Staub). Songs like “Left With Alibis” and “Lying Eyes” dynamically shift from introspective riddles of thought to demonic primal rage, while the lead track, “So Cold I Could See My Breath,” highlights strong melody lines presented through harmonic vocals. And […]
Read moreHarri Stojka; A Tribute To Swing
If you’re a fan of guitar and classic swing music, then the new CD by Harri Stojka is just what your looking for. Though a few of the songs seem a little redundant, “A Tribute To Swing” highlights Harri’s effortless mastery of the instrument, and exuberant love for it, in a winning combination. This is not a piece of work recorded; but rather a moment of artistic inspiration captured. His play is fast and furious, yet light and nimble: a cascade of complicated melodies over the backdrop of simple rhythmic […]
Read moreCatastrophic Disaster
During the almost four hours that I watched the Senate hearings involving Mr. Brown on C-Span, I waited for the senators to ask questions that never seemed to materialize. Time and time again Mr. Brown, the former FEMA director, insisted that we had to remember that, “this was a catastrophic disaster!” as though none of us were aware of that, or as though FEMA was just an accounting firm suddenly thrust into managing an emergency and everyone was being to critical of him. Isn’t emergency management the point of FEMA? […]
Read moreProtecting the Ruling Class
I wonder how it is possible that the general public is not aware of the president’s past, in particular, the relationship between his granddad Prescott Bush and Nazi Germany. Any thoughts? Oh, you don’t know about Prescott Bush? That’s my point, so look it up and post your comments.
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