I AM My Own Wife

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: On Stage , Reviews

I AM My Own Wife is a play about Charlotte, who realized at an early age that “she” didn’t identify with being a he, and it was through a loving grand mother- and a book about transvestism that her grandmother provided —  that Charlotte came to understand and accept her female identity. The writer believed he found in Charlotte “a true iconoclastic gay hero,” by the mere fact that she not only existed, but, did so publicly as a gay transvestite during both the Nazi and communist Stasi rule over Germany and East […]

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The Great American Supperclub – Copacabana

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Interviews , Reviews

It was 5:00 AM and Jerry Lewis just walked into Reubens on Madison & 59th St., his arms filled with the early edition of the NY Mirror and his hat turned backwards portraying the hapless paperboy. He proceeds to sell them table-by- table. He then returned the papers that were unsold and any money collected to an excited paperboy. On this night, as on most nights, the crowd was a who’s who of the New York City nightclub circuit as remembered & told to me by Harriet Weber Wright. “Sometimes […]

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Defining Normal

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: In Search Of

Many years ago, Johnny Carson, being the recipient of a Sally Fields practical joke, looked at her and said, “You really aren’t normal are you?” To which she playfully responded, “Well Johnny, I guess normal is as normal does!” It was a cute punch line and yet beneath the surface made a larger statement. What is normal anyway? How many times have you looked in the mirror and exclaimed, “What’s wrong with me, why can’t I just be normal?” The answer might be that there is nothing wrong with you […]

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Lisa Jackson

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Interviews , Music

If you live in New York and haven’t heard of Lisa Jackson & Girl Friday, you’ve been sleeping for the past year. The band exploded onto the NYC underground scene about a year ago, and since then has taken their music on the road — attracting fan bases in Minneapolis, Chicago, Wisconsin and most recently Boston and Philadelphia. Lisa & Girl Friday performed at CBGBs rock club to celebrate the completion of their newest CD: “I Am A.O.K.” Like in every review I have written about them, the band was […]

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Lisa Jackson – I’m AOK

Posted By Brie Austin In Category: Music , On Stage , Reviews

Lisa Jackson – I’m OK, the new EP by Lisa performed at CBGBs. As she stood upon the stage — her band vamping in the background — Lisa Jackson paid homage to all the great performers that stood on this stage before her. She spoke of legends and pioneers. The crowd reacted with cheers as she momentarily stepped back. The band began to build the energy as she lunged forward exclaiming, “and I am humble, yet unafraid!” The delivery was powerful and effective. When watching an athlete you can always tell […]

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